Ruth J. Simmons Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice

University of York, Institute for the Public Understanding of the Past to Host Interdisciplinary Workshop on Slavery and Social Justice

The University of York, Institute for the Public Understanding of the Past

Interdisciplinary Workshop on Slavery and Social Justice: History and Futures Past

Thursday 20 June, 11.00-15.30, in KG/84 in King’s Manor

Click here for directions to King's Manor

IPUP is pleased to welcome to York, Professor Anthony Bogues, Director of the Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice, Brown University. The workshop will be an opportunity to discuss and compare research in the field of the history of slavery, servile labour and segregation and its continuing legacies.

All Welcome (please click here to use Doodle Poll to indicate likely attendance so that appropriate drinks can be provided).

11.00 Welcome (tea/coffee)

11.15 -12.15 
Anthony Bogues: 'History, Slavery and Futures Past: Brown University's Slavery and Justice Report'

12.15 - 12.30 Sarah Rees Jones, Adam Gutteridge and Geoff Cubitt (History). ‘IPUP: the past in the present’

12.30-1.45 Lunch – participants can eat in the King’s Manor Refectory or in numerous local restaurants and cafes

1.45 - 2.45 Short presentations on current research projects in York including:

  • Dr Henrice Altink (History), ‘Unveiling the public secret: racial discrimination in Jamaica in the era of decolonisation’
  • Professor Matthew Collins/Dr Jon Finch (Archaeology), ‘The Eurotast project’ (,
  • Dr Nicholas Guyatt (History), ‘Separate but Equal: programmes of racial separation in the early American republic’
  • Dr Shane O’Rourke (History), ‘Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna and Princess Isabel of Brazil: the role of royal women in the emancipation of servile labour in Brazil and Russia in the later nineteenth century’

2.45 – 3.30 Tea/Coffee
Further discussion